You can now and until March 21st, 2014 register to the conference that will take place on the 27th and 28th of March 2014.
Aims of the conference
Territories are both a social construct and a materiality observed by different disciplinary fields. This broad interdisciplinarity is a difficult, yet necessary, pioneer front. Another frontier to be crossed is the all too frequent gulf between researchers and the actors of territorial development. Territorial data are a field that offers opportunities for fertile debate.
The second international Collège international des sciences du territoire (CIST) conference aims to clear new and uncharted ground in this area. The call for papers covers six central topics.
All accepted papers will be published on this dedicated website as well as within the conference proceedings available on the conference opening; they will also be deposited in Hal open archives.
The scientific synthesis of the conference and a longer version of certain papers may be published, as collective publication or special issue of scientific journals, on targeted topics.