Presentation > Previous conference (2011)Organised in Paris from the 23rd to the 25th of Novembre 2011 in Ecole nationale supérieure de Chimie, CIST founding conference ambitioned to create the interdisciplinary field of the territorial sciences in France and include it wihtin existing foreign research networks. AssessmentThe conference gathered over 200 participants, forcing the organisation committee to reject some registrations due to the lack of space. Over a hundred communications were submitted, amongst which some 60 were selected by the scientific committee. The 90 interventions were organised in six plenary and twenty-four parallel sessions. The 23rd of November was dedicated to the eight CIST scientific strands ; a parallel session was organised in the afternoon by both Mobilities, identities and territories (MIT) and Conflicts and compromises on the subject of Arabic revolutions (Thaourah : révolte ou révolution dans le monde arabe). Keynote speakersPierre-Yves BOELLE (Inserm, Université Paris 6), Andrea Mubi BRIGHENTI (sociologist, researcher, Universita di Trento), Roberto CAMAGNI (professor of economics, Politecnico di Milano), Helen COUCLELIS (professor of geography, Santa Barbara University), Kevin COX (professor of geography, Ohio University), Nick CHRISMAN (professor of geomatics, Université de Laval, Canada), Laurent DAVEZIES (professor of economics, CNAM Paris), Guy DI MEO (professor of geography, Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour), Andrea FALUDI (professor of planning, Université de Delft), Jean-Charles HOURCADE (DR CNRS, econolist, CIRED), Frédéric LEONE (professor of geography, GRED Montpellier), Denise PUMAIN (professor of geography, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne), Claude RAFFESTIN (professor of geography, Université de Genève), Catherine RHEIN (DR CNRS), Christian SCHULZ (professor of geography, Université de Luxembourg) MinutesPlenary sessions
Parallel sessions
Closing debatePublicationsA selection of communications led to the publication Fonder les sciences du territoire, edited by Karthala in November 2012. An English translation should come soon. Access the conference minutes (in French) |
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